External Communication Policies


Adopted by Consensus on September 17, 2011


The ACCG should appoint a team of spokespeople from its membership, representing the three prongs of the triple bottom line. Requests from media for ACCG-related comments or appearances should be directed to that team.


Only the appointed ACCG spokespeople may speak for the ACCG. Any member may (of course) speak about the ACCG.


ACCG spokespeople shall represent the decisions and positions agreed upon by the group and not express their own or their organization’s opinion when representing the ACCG.


ACCG media releases should be developed and distributed by the Administrative Workgroup using a standard media release form developed by the workgroup. They will be distributed to the members for comment before distribution.


The ACCG will not take public positions on issues not directly related to its mission.


The ACCG spokespeople will report any media contacts and the results to the group at the next regular meeting, or by e-mail distribution if timely reporting is prudent.


ACCG spokespeople will refer the media to the appropriate members for inquiries related to member projects or actions.


ACCG members should give public credit to the ACCG for contributions to a member or joint project when discussing the project in public or with media.