This study describes
an innovative sediment management method. A 30-foot wide, high capacity Sediment Collector™ is currently installed in Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colorado, upstream of the confluence with the Arkansas River. The installation is intended to demonstrate a new technology to reduce the need for dredging. The Sediment Collector™ was installed to demonstrate technology to alleviate the need for dredging by lowering the downstream grade to reduce flooding and ultimately reduce sediment deposition as far downstream as John Martin Reservoir, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers managed lake. The system operates on the principle that sediment in bedload can be trapped by gravity and removed at the natural rate of transport, instead of episodically. This technical paper describes the technology and installation at Fountain Creek, other possible applications, lists lessons learned, cost, and provides some general guidance for applying collector technology at other sites.
Read the entire report here: Sediment Management Study