SONORA, Calif. – The Stanislaus National Forest announced a public comment period beginning March 5 on preliminary 2020 off-highway vehicle grant applications. Public comments may be submitted until May 6, 2019.

Forest recreation specialists and OHV managers have completed two draft grants for consideration by the California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division.

The proposals include a forest-wide operations and maintenance project for OHV trails and facilities and a forest-wide law enforcement patrol project.  The OHVMV Division grants are integral to the ongoing success of the forest’s OHV program.

The public is invited to review and comment on the preliminary application packages. The Stanislaus National Forest grant applications may be found at’s on-line grant application website at Follow the instructions on the website to locate the Stanislaus grant applications and instructions on how to provide comments.  Stanislaus National Forest will receive copies of comments about their applications by the OHMVR Division.

The public comment period on the preliminary grant applications ends May 6, 2019 and comments must be received by that date. For information or questions related to the applications, contact Public Service Staff Officer Beth Martinez at (209) 288-6307.