Come out and help the Eldorado National Forest, California Native Plant Society, Sierra Forest Legacy and other partner groups prepare for a critically needed prescribed fire within the Caples Creek Roadless Area (an area recommended for wilderness designation by the Forest Service). The Caples Ecological Restoration Project, located about 1 hour 45 minutes east of Sacramento, is one of the largest prescribed fire projects ever proposed in the Central Sierra. Prescribed fire will be used to restore the health and fire resilience of some of the last remaining old growth mixed conifer forest on the Eldorado, as well as to help protect the water supply for over 110,000 people.

Volunteers will be working to remove vegetation and leaf litter around large legacy conifers to reduce the potential loss of these majestic old growth trees during the prescribed fire. Much of this work will be done by hand raking, but there will also be a small cadre of previously trained volunteers removing small trees and other ladder fuels next to these large trees with chainsaws.

Volunteer days for raking material away from the base of the largest trees are set for Friday June 28, Friday and Saturday July 19 and 20, and Friday and Saturday August 2 and 3.  Volunteers are also needed on Sunday and Monday June 23 and 24 to work with chainsaw crews to move the cut material away from the legacy trees.

We are using to organize the workdays:

1.      Click this link to see tasks and more details:

2.      Review the possibilities and choose volunteer slots.

3.      You will NOT need to create an account or keep a password on this website. Please include your email so that we may contact you with a meeting time and location information.

4.      For questions or concerns regarding this sign up, please contact Tal Blackburn:

See the flyer for this event here: Caples.Volunteer Request.5-28-2019