The ACCG Monitoring workgroup and the SOFAR Landscape Design Team is hosting a Post Fire Restoration Symposium and Field Tour on July 14-15, 2022.

The Post Fire Restoration Symposium (click here to view the symposium flyer) will highlight ongoing monitoring and research in the Power Fire and its application in post fire restoration planning (e.g. Caldor Fire). This webinar would focus on how we could apply our monitoring and research across the ACCG and SOFAR to support post fire restoration planning and help to inform adaptive management. Some of the topics will include treatment effects on wildlife, variable density treatments in plantations, hardwood management, aquatics and meadow restoration. Discussions will provide the opportunity for collaboration on the implications of the work and how to apply this knowledge to future post fire management. The virtual webinar will be on July 14 and is open to wide participation. The webinar will run from 0900—1500 with included breaks and lunch. Please sign up here for the webinar ( Webinar links will be forthcoming for those that register. Please contact Becky Estes, Central Sierra Province Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, for any questions.

The Post Fire Restoration Field Tour (click here to view the field tour flyer) will be on July 15 and limited to 30 attendees. Members of ACCG and SOFAR will be given priority. The field tour will be from 0830—1600 and will focus on several field sites expanding on what we have learned in the webinar. The field tour will meet on the Amador Ranger District on the Eldorado National Forest and will include several sites on the Power Fire (more specific information on field stops will be forthcoming). Please bring a lunch, hardhat, good shoes and your questions. Please sign up here for the field tour ( A second field trip will be scheduled in the fall to the Caldor Fire to continue the discussions on post fire restoration. Please contact Becky Estes, Central Sierra Province Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, for any questions.