News Release

Eldorado NF Collaborates with UMRWA to Reduce the Risk of High Severity Wildfire

​News Release: Eldorado NF Collaborates with UMRWA to Reduce the Risk of High Severity Wildfire

June 28, 2023

As part of a stewardship agreement between the USDA Forest Service and the Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority (UMRWA), hazardous fuel reduction is expected to begin this summer on a 25,671 acre project within the Amador Ranger District of the Eldorado National Forest. This project, called “Forest Projects Plan Phase 1”, is designed to help prevent high-intensity wildfires, improve forest conditions, protect important wildlife habitat and other forest resources, and protect a water supply that serves approximately 1.5 million people. Click here to read the full news release. And to learn more about the project, you can navigate to the ACCG projects page here.