Members & Participants

lists are usually updated quarterly


ACCG Members are signatories of the revised Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), working together to create fire-safe communities, healthy forests and watersheds, and sustainable local economies. ACCG Active Participants are defined as those who are not Members (signatories of the revised MOA), but that have participated in General Meetings and/or Work Group Meetings at least twice in the last 12 months. Former Participants are defined as non-members and non-active participants.


Below is a list of our members and signatories of the revised Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), working together to create fire-safe communities, healthy forests and watersheds, and sustainable local economies:


Active Participants

Below is a list of active participants, defined as those who are not Members (signatories of the revised MOA), but that have participated in General Meetings and/or Work Group Meetings at least twice in the last 12 months:


Former Participants

Below is a list of former participants of the collaborative,  defined as non-members and non-active participants: