Little Hoover Commission Report on Forest Management

Little Hoover Commission Report on Forest Management

Study Description (read the full study here) For this study, the Little Hoover Commission reviewed the state’s forest management in response to the tree mortality crisis in the Sierra Nevada. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported in December 2017 that...
Outdoor Cal Magazine Article on Deer Pellet DNA Population Study

Outdoor Cal Magazine Article on Deer Pellet DNA Population Study

A New Way of Counting:  Scientists Utilize New DNA Analysis of Deer Feces to Estimate Population of Pacific Herd The November 2017 ACCG General Meeting featured a wonderful presentation by Eric Kleinfelter on his work in this area. Read the article here: Fecal_DNA...
USFS to revise its NEPA procedures… please submit your comments

USFS to revise its NEPA procedures… please submit your comments

The USFS is seeking to revise its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) procedures. In order to increase the efficiency of their environmental analysis process, the USFS is requesting public input to guide upcoming NEPA procedural revisions. Based on our work with...

Power Fire Final Objection Letter Response

This document, outlining the USFS’s final response to all objections to the Power Fire Proposed Action, was received via certified mail on 12/26/2018. The document has been scanned and can be found here.