Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) Shared Vision

approved by full ACCG in November 2022
Click here to view the shared vision


The ACCG’s Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) Ad Hoc group, a subcommittee of the ACCG Planning Work Group, developed the TEK Shared Vision Statement as a future guiding document. The shared vision received approval from the full ACCG in November 2022. This vision statement includes the following actions:

  • Commitment to building personal relationships and trust with Native people to learn and understand TEK for application to programs and projects.
  • Commitment to early outreach to Native people for TEK to use in project prescriptions, design criteria, and specifications.
  • Commitment to supporting protection, enhancement, and mitigation of sensitive areas, including sites of cultural value, traditional gathering, and archaeological deposits.

Click here to view the ACCG TEK Shared Vision Statement.