Power Fire Final Objection Letter Response

This document, outlining the USFS’s final response to all objections to the Power Fire Proposed Action, was received via certified mail on 12/26/2018. The document has been scanned and can be found here.
2017 Monitoring Symposium Highlights

2017 Monitoring Symposium Highlights

This document contains highlights from the November 8, 2017 symposium. The intent of the symposium was to share knowledge and discuss ongoing monitoring and research work occurring within the ACCG footprint. See the full report here: ACCG MonSym Briefs11_05_17...
Cal Fire Featured in new Netflix series!

Cal Fire Featured in new Netflix series!

A new Netflix Original Series, Fire Chasers, will be premiering on Friday, September 8th on Netflix. The docuseries tells the story of our changing climate through the lens of wildfire and several perspectives, including CAL FIRE’s. CAL FIRE Director, Ken Pimlott is...

ACCG Strategic Planning

A group of dedicated ACCG members are taking on the task of developing a strategic plan. This activity is especially timely, given that future CFLR funding is uncertain. The group met on June 5th to discuss the beginnings of the group, an exercise to help define the...
Field Trip to Irish O’Manual — May 31st

Field Trip to Irish O’Manual — May 31st

  The ACCG Planning Group met on 31-May-2017 at the Calaveras Ranger District, Hathaway Pines.  The main topic was the District’s Fire Prevention Program and included site visits to the Irish/O’Manuel Fuel Break and a Tree Mortality mitigation operation on its...