Amador Fire Safe Council is hiring a Coordinator
The Amador Fire Safe Council (AFSC) is seeking proposals from an independent contractor with the following qualifications: strong organizational and collaborative skills, grant writing and grant administration experience, wildland fire mitigation and planning experience, experience in forest management or similar experience that would be considered applicable to effectively perform as the AFSC Council Coordinator.
Scorched by fire, California must limit rural sprawl – Sacramento Bee article by Katherine Evatt
This year, California is again experiencing large wildfires that threaten lives, property, wildlife habitat and water quality. Climate change, four years of drought, a century of fire suppression, and the state’s failure to stem rural sprawl have created the elements necessary for the perfect firestorm. Something has to change. But what?
Understanding and Addressing Emerging Frustration Among Citizens’ Collaborative Groups Interacting with the USDA Forest Service
Unless action is undertaken to confront the problem of deepening frustrations by many citizens’ collaborative groups, it is likely that the collaborative outcomes envisioned by the USDA Forest Service will not be achieved. It is the hope of the authors that this paper will be instrumental in beginning a national dialogue concerning this growing trend of frustration among citizens’ collaborative groups working with the Forest Service and that actions can be taken to strengthen citizen collaboration.