Power Fire Road Reconstruction Project

Background: The Power Fire Road reconstruction project proposes to replace or reconstruct culverts and water control structures on roads along drainages affected by the 2004 Power Fire that burned 16,933 acres. The power fire is located in southwest corner of the...
California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment

California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment

California is a global leader in using, investing in, and advancing research to set proactive climate change policy, and its Climate Change Assessments provide the scientific foundation for understanding climaterelated vulnerability at the local scale and informing...

Project focuses on forest thinning in the Mokelumne River watershed

In 2016, McGreevy started writing a grant proposal to secure state funding for a forest-thinning project to treat the 912 acres of BLM land, in addition to 500 acres of surrounding private and Calaveras County Water District parcels in the SF Mokelumne River watershed.

New! ACCG 5-Year Strategic Plan Adopted July 18th

New! ACCG 5-Year Strategic Plan Adopted July 18th

For the past year a group of dedicated ACCG members has been working to produce a 5-year Strategic Plan. It is ready for your review and is posted here:  STRAT PLAN FINAL v1 The Strategic Plan Work Group asked that ACCG members review the plan and come to the July...
Tree Mortality Facts and Figures — Updates as of April 2018

Tree Mortality Facts and Figures — Updates as of April 2018

The Tree Mortality Task Force (TMTF) is comprised of state and federal agencies, local governments, utilities, and various stakeholders that coordinate emergency protective actions, and monitor conditions to address large areas of tree mortality resulting from six...