June 10, 2020 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Logistics TBD -- Watch this space!
Becky Estes

ACCG Monitoring and Science Power Fire Nexus Field Tour

Field Tour Goal: The goal of this field tour is to better understand and promote effective collaborative-based forest management. This field tour will provide knowledge of ongoing work and will present findings from monitoring and research occurring within the Power Fire nexus area. Some of the topics will include treatment effects on wildlife, variable density treatments in plantations, predicting plantation survival and growth, hardwood management, aquatics and meadow restoration. Discussions will provide the opportunity for collaboration on the implications of the work and how to apply this knowledge to future management in
the Power Fire.
The Amador-Calaveras Consensus Group (ACCG) is a community-based organization that works to create firesafe communities, healthy forests and watersheds, and sustainable local economies. Cornerstone is a USFS Collaborative Forest Restoration (CFLR) program project. In 2016, the ACCG completed a Cornerstone collaborative forest landscape restoration project monitoring strategy.
Location: Power Fire, logistics for field tour will be forthcoming
Presented by: US Forest Service Ecology Program
Audience: ACCG members, land managers, researchers, regulators, planners and decisions
Contact Information Shana Gross segross@fs.fed.us | Becky Estes, bestes@fs.fed.us

FLYER:  Power Fire Tour Flyer