A group of dedicated ACCG members are taking on the task of developing a strategic plan. This activity is especially timely, given that future CFLR funding is uncertain. The group met on June 5th to discuss the beginnings of the group, an exercise to help define the ACCG story, define our roots, and begin to assess where we are now. The results of the first meeting were briefly outlined at the 6/21 general meeting… this slide sums it up: Output from meeting 1
At the 6/21 General meeting, Dennis Bowker conducted a quick exercise on Mission Statements with the full ACCG group. A series of questions were posed and responses were collected from the entire group. If you’d like to include your input, please review this document, which includes the questions you should answer. Email your answers to JillMicheau@gmail.com. Click here for the questions: SummaryProcessBasicl
The next Strategic Planning meeting will be held July 10th in Jackson.