This email serves as an invitation to the Amador-Calaveras Consensus Group and Yosemite Stanislaus Solutions Collaborative to attend a series of engagement meetings to help us develop a path to move further towards resilient ecosystems.  Could you please forward this to the entire email list that you have for each collaborative?

Please find attached a briefing paper outlining what the MOving TOward Resiliency within the Mokelumne to Kings Landscape (MOTOR within M2K) project is, why we are undertaking this effort, and how we intend to engage our Collaborative Groups (YSS, ACCG and Dinkey).  It is my firm belief that the tremendous work each of these Collaborative Groups has achieved, sets a fantastic framework for how to engage in planning this large scale project.  We will then work together to implement treatments on a large scale to create watershed resiliency that ensures wildlife habitat, recreation opportunities, clean water, etc. are enhanced.

Our planned first (of numerous) meetings is scheduled for July 11 from 1-5 pm at the Supervisor’s Office in Sonora (details can be found on page 5 of the attached briefing paper).  We will be holding additional meetings at future dates that are still to be determined. Please note that I, and interdisciplinary team members and Forest Leadership Team members, are willing to meet with Collaborative Groups, members, and general public in order to ensure that we are fully capturing your thoughts, perspectives to best ensure we are developing the most thoughtful decision possible.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see you July 11.

DOWNLOAD THE BRIEFING PAPER HERE: 2019-0621_MOTORwithinM2K_Project_Brief_1.3