Point Blue will be hosting a climate-smart meadow restoration workshop for members of the ACCG on Thursday, February 11 from 9am-12pm (via Zoom).

This workshop will introduce participants to Point Blue’s climate-smart meadow restoration resources and tools, and demonstrate how they can be used to inform the prioritization, planning, and design of meadow restoration projects. Specifically, we’ll cover:

  • How you can use the Sierra Meadow Prioritization Tool to make strategic decisions about where to prioritize meadows for restoration based on multiple factors
  • The range of climate projections for the Central Sierra Nevada and potential climate vulnerabilities to meadows and target species
  • Climate-smart restoration principles you can use to identify restoration actions to help increase meadow resilience

The workshop will be held online virtually and include a mix of presentations and interactive discussion sessions.  Participants will leave the workshop with an understanding of tools available for climate-smart meadow restoration and the skill set needed to address climate change in meadow restoration projects.

Find the draft agenda here. If you are interested in participating, please register online here by Friday January 22. (Please register even if you filled out the initial poll about workshop scheduling).

Please feel free to contact Alissa Fogg (afogg@pointblue.org) or Marian Vernon (mvernon@pointblue.org) if you have any further questions or content suggestions for the workshop.  We look forward to learning more about meadow restoration together!