July 2019 Edition of the California Fire Science Consortium Newsletter
Read the full newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/a8bb8eda9f9a/km9kdgegds-2994105?e=ca54d773a4 Topics this month: Treating forests more strategically to reduce fire severity and carbon Loss The need to restore fire regimes in protected natural areas...Severe fire weather and intensive forest management increase fire severity in a multi‐ownership landscape
Many studies have examined how fuels, topography, climate, and fire weather influence fire severity. Less is known about how different forest management practices influence fire severity in multi‐owner landscapes, despite costly and controversial suppression of...California winter rains used to ward off wildfires — but not anymore, new study finds
Article from Sacramento Bee, March 4, 2019 Read the full article here: https://www.sacbee.com/news/state/california/article227101284.htmlStudy: Wildfires Burn More Severely On Private Timber Plantations Than Public Forests
The Douglas Complex Fire is at the center of new research looking at what causes some wildfires to creep along at low intensity and others to rip through the forest, scorching everything in its path. See the article here: ...CAL FIRE confirms PG&E caused Butte Fire
Investigator’s report blames tree-trimming practices for exposing weak trees to a nearby power line. CAL FIRE plans to seek $90 million in suppression costs from PG&E. Calaveras County to sue as well, estimates county losses at more than $1 billion.