Tree Mortality

Resource page for tree mortality in Amador and Calaveras counties

The Sierra Nevada’s conifer forests are undergoing a wave of tree mortality that is largely due to the epidemic of pine beetle infestation exacerbated by climate change and drought.  This page has been created to be a resource to those wanting to know more about how to deal with tree removal on their private property in the Central Sierra Nevada region, as well as an educational source to learn about bark beetle tree mortality – what has caused it and what it means for our public and private lands.


Please note: Any of the listings provided on this page are provided solely for information to the public, and ACCG makes no claim as to the accuracy of the information provided nor does it make any recommendation of these businesses or individuals.

– Amador County
– Calaveras County
– Alpine County
– Tuolumne County


Educational Presentations

  • Bark beetles, drought, and CA forests
    A slideshow by Beverly M. Bulaon (entomologist from the Stanislaus National Forest) with information on the life cycle of Western pine beetle, how they are affecting California forests, and what controls (both natural and manmade) can suppress their continued spread across the landscape.
  • Drought and bark beetle-caused Tree Mortality
    An in-depth presentation by Dr. Chris Fettig of the USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station.