ACCG Priorities (2024)

defined annually


The below 2024 Priorities, approved by the membership in January 2024, details the ACCG’s 5-Year Strategic Plan corresponding objectives, actions and responsible parties for the calendar year. This list is meant to be defined annually.

Project planning, development & implementation


Continue moving forward with landscape-scale planning while also identifying and securing funding for shovel-ready projects through:

      • Continuing to support and engage with USFS/UMRWA’s Forest Projects Plan Phase, including planning and environmental work for Phase 2 and implementation of Phase 1
      • Engaging with the USFS on their 2024 program of work
      • Continuing to support large-landscape analyses to help strategically accelerate implementation
      • Supporting biomass utilization
      • Focusing on projects and activities that increase forest health and meadow and wetland restoration and promote water retention on the landscape to prepare for future droughts
      • Developing a long-term monitoring plan for the ACCG forested landscape, specifically projects that ACCG has been involved in planning (such as the FPP component) and strategy to fund that program

Responsible party: ACCG Planning Work Group, ACCG Monitoring Work Group



Encourage development and continue to support partners conducting fuels reduction and forest health projects on all lands within the ACCG landscape.

Build relationships and increase communications with other collaboratives, including SOFAR and YSS, and if the opportunity presents itself, work on something collaboratively (e.g., Caldor Fire-related restoration to the north with SOFAR, Forest Projects Plan to the south with YSS).

Reach out to Fire Safe Councils (FSCs) and Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) to get those entities to engage with ACCG about the forest health topic.


Responsible party: ACCG Admin Work Group

ACCG’s triple bottom line — Local Economies


Prioritize putting more attention on the ACCG’s third portion of their triple bottom line approach – local economies. Focus on finding ways to be more effective with this “leg of the stool” of the triple bottom line approach, how to increase opportunities for local workforces in the forestry industry, and how to engage more with local contractors.


Responsible parties:

  • ACCG revised MOA signatories, including UMRWA, Cal Am Team, USFS and CHIPS, meet to reflect on the topic and bring that back to the full ACCG
  • ACCG Monitoring Work Group prioritize discussion on assessing socio-economic component of projects

Pyrosilviculture Share Vision


Continue to support implementation of ACCG’s Pyrosilviculture Shared Vision.


Responsible parties: ACCG Planning Work Group and ACCG Pyrosilviculture Ad Hoc group

TEK Shared Vision


Continue to support implementation of ACCG’s Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) Shared Vision.


Responsible parties: ACCG Planning Work Group and ACCG TEK Ad Hoc group

Communication & Engagement


ACCG representative(s) attend and communicate the Forest Management Task Force, or other federal and state entities in order to more effectively engage with federal and state entities.

Revise the ACCG Communication & Engagement Plan to reflect organization capacity.

Continue to have relevant expert presentations.


Responsible party: ACCG Admin Work Group